The Solitude of Pregnancy Loss

When a child is lost before their life in this world ever truly begins the mother is both alone in her grief and suddenly an unwitting member of a crowded club, no one wanted to join. We are not alone. The babies we lost are real.

The Loss of Hope After Recurrent Miscarriage

When I started this blog I wasn't sure how much I wanted to share about our fertility struggles. I talked myself out of my mothers day post as well as avoided blogging after positive pregnancy tests. I didn't want to be a Debbie Downer and drag other people down with my own misery. I have changed my mind about not blogging this part of our journey, not because I sadistically want to  spread misery but because perhaps sharing what I'm going through will help someone else know they aren't alone. I also hope getting it out will act as a kind of therapy for myself as well. This is my story so far...

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